
How Baby Monitor Works?

A baby monitor typically consists of a camera and a monitor. The camera, placed near the baby, captures audio and video signals and transmits them to the monitor, allowing parents to remotely observe and listen to their baby. The functioning of a baby monitor is based on a simple yet effective process. The camera, often […]

6 mins read

Should newborns nap in a dark room?

Yes, newborns should nap in a dark room. Darkness helps signal to a newborn’s developing circadian rhythm that it is time to sleep, promoting better sleep quality. Creating a dark and quiet sleep environment is essential for newborns as it mimics the darkness of the womb, making them feel more secure and aiding in the […]

9 mins read

Are receiving blankets and swaddles the same thing?

Receiving blankets and swaddles are not the same thing, although they can serve similar purposes and are often used interchangeably. Here’s the difference between the two: Receiving Blankets: Receiving blankets are versatile, lightweight, and soft blankets typically made from flannel, muslin, or cotton. They are square or nearly square and typically measure around 30 inches […]

5 mins read

How to teach a baby to sleep through the night?

Teaching a baby to sleep through the night is a gradual process that requires patience, consistency, and understanding of your baby’s individual needs. Here are some strategies to help your baby develop healthy sleep habits and sleep longer stretches at night: 1. Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine: Create a calming and predictable bedtime routine that […]

8 mins read
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